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Little Odd Me

What an awesome idea! I'll support it, and maybe you've inspired me to start a post of my own!!

Armchair News

Superb! Post your link to it here when you're all set!

Jenn Hubbard

[this is good] Thanks for joining in!


Yay! Libraries! Thank you for your support!


[das ist gut] $5 per comment, eh? Super. I know everyone is doing what they can, but it's still kind of sad reading about what dire straits these libraries are in, and it's "post a comment and I'll donate 50 cents". 'Are you sure you wanna do that? You could park for 15 minutes for all that coinage.' I kid, I kid - I think anything anyone gives is terrific.

Armchair News

Sadly, so many services are in dire straits; it's at these times that we just have to come out and do a little extra. Libraries are such a basic good that it's a no-brainer for me!


What a pretty library!


[this is good] I think what your doing is very admirable and is going to a great cause. I would love to do something like this whenfinancialsituations improve a bit! All I do now is donate books, I think I totaled a little over 80 books last year. Going for 100 this year. Good luck!


[this is good] Anything for books! :)


[this is good] This is a wonderful idea. I have two young children (under 5) and they love going to the library. I'd hate to think of the day when such a valuable public resource is not available for their enjoyment. I love the idea of this challenge - I think I'm going to join and run one on my blog starting later this week to do my part for my local library...

Armchair News

Thanks to everyone who responded -- and thanks even MORE to everyone who decided to start their own blog challenge! Thanks to your support, I earned 16 unique comments here and on Facebook, which means I've raised $80 to send to the Jackson Heights Library! Woo-hoo!Y'all are great! Keep an eye on this space for other challenges -- and maybe even a few posts!

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Writer. Reader. Never enough time for either. Author of collection of short stories "Home for the Holidays" and co-author of "The Law & Order: SVU Unofficial Companion." (Both available on Amazon.) randeedawn.com